Vicky Crane

School improvement services

Training Consultancy
Online courses Teaching resources

A service dedicated to the development of teaching, learning and leadership in primary schools.

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    Vicky Crane

    Consultant and trainer


    Who am I?

    Hi. I am a UK consultant and trainer working with primary schools across the country. I have over 20 years of teaching and leadership experience. I love my role as a freelance consultant as it allows me to follow my educational passions, spend time researching key educational issues and help others in the profession.

    In the last few years, as well as wokring directly with schools, I have served as a Chair of Governors for a large primary school in Leeds, worked as an adviser for the local authority and written articles for major educational websites. I provide central courses and bespoke support for teachers and leaders.


    Why join our online community?

    Social media and online platforms provide an excellent way for teachers and leaders to gain access to the latest educational research. My service aims to make theory and best practices easily accessible for school leaders and teachers. I focus on flexible solutions that schools can customise to meet the needs of their pupils and school community. I aim to share educational knowledge so that together we can all contribute to improving educational outcomes for children and constantly grow the expertise in our field.

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